Thursday, September 11, 2008

list (for ike)

fill containers with water

move plants and recycling inside

secure trashcans in garage

scrub bathtub and fill with water

make ice to fill a cooler

roast red potatoes, beets, and tofu

rent movies

check flashlights

charge phone

charge laptop

call friends

hunker down


John Pluecker said...

good luck man. strange that i really really miss houston all of a sudden.

Anonymous said...

LOVED the grammar story, Charles.

Just wanted to leave best wishes for surviving Ike. It sounds pretty bad. Post a tale of apocalypse and let us know you're alive, okay?

Sehba Sarwar said...

how did you fare in your new house? we are fine.... no electricity. i've been posting pics on my blog through a neighborhood cafe...
xo s