Thursday, April 19, 2007

sometimes the answers come in the mail

"Hey you Lose your Driver License
at the 'Airport' Shone Shine Stand
We had you 'Page' at the Airport
that day. Sorry it take so long
to mail you DRIVES LIC
back to you.
I found it behind the stand"


John Pluecker said...

that "is" too awesum.
i am relly happpy
4 u.

cake said...

of course, sadly, you can't use that one. you still have to wait for the replacement, since that old one has been reported as missing and they have different numbers (typed alongside the photo i think). but, you can keep that one as a memento. that is really sweet.

Anonymous said...

you get your shoes shined? at a stand? in an airport?cool.

chuck said...

i did. for the first time. i highly recommend it. tip at least double ($8 for a $4 shine) and you'll have good luck with things like the return of state-issued identification.

note: unconsciously doing that "eye hug" or "hard but affectionate blink" thing at the shoe shine guy might make him think you are "funny," which, of course, you are.

Robin said...

gooood karma, i guess