Saturday, May 05, 2007


pomegranate flowers (inside)

mystery bloom
mystery bloom with gas light
pomegranate tree with hank
pomegranate flowers


Shannon T Leonard said...

wonderful flowers. we have harvested artichokes from our ample garden. i wish i could figure out what the mystery bloom is. have you any clue?

eflows said...

The mystery bloom looks to me like some kid of ginger flower.

I have a whole bunch of 'stick plant" -- you know that succulent that looks like green sticks? It grows like crazy with no care and can become a huge tree if you trim it. You just stick it in the ground and it'll root in a couple of days. If you want any, just ask. I have to throw it away sometimes because I just have too much.

eflows said...


eflows said...

Looking again, it's definitely ginger. The green leaves it's coming from are ginger. I bet if you crush one of the 'petals' it'll smell gingery.

MaGreen said...

if it's ginger i wonder if you can eat the root or not? but if you did, i guess there wouldn't be any flower. how DOES that work?

chuck said...

The crushed leaves do smell like ginger. Thanks, eflows.

eflows said...

If you pull up the rhizome part (the thick underground root that send up the shoots) it'll be fresh ginger. You can do it -- the rhizomes spread underground and send up tons of shhots as leaves, so you won't miss a little bit.

cake said...

i agree, it is ginger for sure, and you should try harvesting some! we have tons of it in our yard, though it is not flowering at the moment. the flowers are so beautiful... thanks for sharing.